Are you a doomsayer like George Orwell in 1984, or a cockeyed optimist like Julie Andrews of South Pacific fame?

Me? I’ve always been a glass-half-full guy.  Until now.

The world has survived famines, floods, dinosaurs, etc.. In modern times we’ve had AIDS, alien invasions and climate change – even sex change. All of which were conquered or normalized because they were identifiable and quantifiable.

We’ve had Popes, Dictators, Jesus Christ, Allah and now, Donald Trump – all of whom thought they were placed on earth to protect us from ourselves. Somehow, we have and will continue to survive; or so I’ve always thought. If some wacky despot fired a missile at us, we’d know how to retaliate. He may fire one rocket successfully, but we have 35,000 to send back his way. If ISIS gets frisky again in some remote corner of the world, we know how to find and obliterate them.

Until now.

Now, comes the biggest challenge ever to confront this earth . . . and it’s not climate change. It is Space Warfare.

If our entire communication system is incapacitated and our electricity no longer flows, if commercial and military aviation is halted because pilots cannot navigate and our reservoirs become contaminated, who is to blame? Who do we punish? Who decides whom to punish? (Refer to the recent attack on Baltimore’s computer systems.)

Bedlam would be the best of all possible outcomes.

Congress was intended to be a collection of our wisest citizens, chosen by the people, to represent us in matters of state – and in matters of defense (survival).  So much for good intentions!  Sadly, the people’s representatives are not equal to the task. What we have is a collection of 535 poorly informed, self-serving politicos whose sole objective is not the welfare of the country – but perpetuating their own careers.

Eliminating the threat of space warfare lies not in token phrases like ‘nationalism’ and/or ‘making America great again’. It requires the full time engagement of super intellects with high moral fiber with a willingness to sacrifice and speak truth for the good of all.

Warfare conducted from lethal orbiting platforms is a global threat that should involve not just the pseudo-intelligentsia on our west and east coasts but every thinking person on earth.   It makes global warming look like Chicken Little’s fear of the sky falling – something to worry about after paying for our kids’ college tuition and saving enough to retire.

President Trump has addressed the issue in a tepid manner by proposing a U.S. Space Force. Maybe a good start – but not adequate. He, in the absence of Luke Skywalker, is best qualified to gather the other world leaders and announce: “The first one of you clowns to launch an attack from an orbiting space platform will find his country’s capital in ashes.”

Who would not believe him?

Now imagine Elizabeth Warren or little Pete Buttigieg in the same scenario.

The laughter would be heard from Beijing to Moscow to Riyadh.

Unidentified enemies are reportedly developing weapons designed to turn our technology against us. Space is being weaponized and our Congress is clueless.

Silicon Valley is running amok and Wall Street is sponsoring the race.

Trump wants to build a “Space Force” akin to the Air Force. But who (what) will be the target? Every orbiting orb in sight? That would be akin to General Custer standing atop the St. Louis arch with a shotgun pointing west, hoping to hit a few Indians somewhere out there.

If we ever needed a leader, not a committee of Congress, – it is now.

In November, 2020 remember who first warned you.


You are welcome.

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  1. Tom Sullivan says:

    Thank you Jim. On the mark as usual.




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